Ways to hide your apps - Step by Step

Ways to hide your apps – Step by Step

We live in a digital age where our smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, containing a multitude of personal information. Protecting our privacy has never been more crucial and there are ways to hide your apps.


Fortunately, there are several ways to hide your apps inside your phone, providing an additional level of security and privacy.


In this article, we’ll dive into innovative ways to hide your apps, giving you complete control over your digital experience.

Step-by-Step Ways to Hide Your Apps

When it comes to hiding apps, technology offers smart solutions, such as apps dedicated to hiding other apps are, for the most part, free for Android and iOS.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to explore how you can use these tools to ensure your most sensitive apps are out of reach of prying eyes.

Choose the Suitable Concealment Application:

To get started, choose a reliable hiding app. There are different app options available, each with its own unique characteristics. Make sure you opt for one that meets your privacy needs.

Installation and Configuration:

After downloading, install the hiding app. The setup process may vary, but generally involves creating a password or PIN. This code will be your key to access hidden applications.

Select Applications to Hide:

Once configured, choose which apps you want to hide. This may include messengers, photo galleries or any application that contains sensitive information.

Complete the Concealment Process:

After selecting the desired applications, complete the process. Apps will now be hidden from the home screen and default app menu, making them only accessible through the hide app.

Access with your Password or PIN:

Whenever you want to access the hidden apps, just open the hiding app and enter your password or PIN. This ensures that only you have access to protected applications.

What is an app that hides other apps?

An app that hides other apps, popularly known as a “hide app” or “vault app”, is a tool designed to provide an additional layer of privacy and security on mobile devices. 

These apps are designed to hide specific app icons from the device’s home screen and default menu, making them accessible only through the hiding app itself.

These apps are especially useful for users who want to protect certain apps that contain sensitive information, such as messengers, photo galleries, or social networking apps. By using a hiding app, users can prevent others from accessing these apps without the correct password or PIN.

These apps often offer features such as:

Access Password or PIN: Setting a password or PIN that serves as a key to access hidden applications.

Application Selection: Possibility to choose which applications will be hidden, allowing customization according to the user’s needs.

Interface Disguise: Some cloaking applications can disguise their interface by presenting themselves as calculators, system utilities, or other common applications, making them less likely to be identified by curious onlookers.

Advanced Hiding Modes: Some apps offer advanced modes like password-protected folders, built-in vaults, and fake widgets.

By providing these features, hiding apps offer an effective solution to protecting digital privacy by allowing users to control access to certain apps and information on their mobile devices.

Ways to Hide Your Apps

In addition to hiding specific apps, there are several other innovative ways to protect your apps. From native system tweaks to less conventional tricks, we will now explore some of these alternatives:

Ways to hide your apps

Folders with Password:

In newer operating systems, creating password folders is a built-in option. Organize your apps into password-protected folders, adding an additional layer of security.

Private Mode in Apps:

Some apps offer a private mode or built-in vault. Activate this feature to hide certain areas of the app, such as conversations or photos, protecting your sensitive information.

Fake Widgets:

Try creating fake widgets that, when clicked, redirect to a screen that asks for a password. It looks like a common application, but it serves as an effective camouflage.

Changing Application Names:

A simple but effective technique is to rename your apps. This makes it difficult for curious people to identify sensitive applications.

User Profile Settings:

Some devices allow you to create user profiles. Set up a secondary profile to hide your most private apps.

10 app options that hide other apps

We have put together an exclusive list with good application options that allow us to hide other apps, allowing us to download the tools at no cost for Android and iOS:


Description: AppLock is a versatile security tool that allows you to protect your apps and private data. In addition to blocking access with a password, PIN or pattern, AppLock also offers the functionality to hide applications directly from the home screen. This adds an extra layer of privacy, ensuring only you have access to protected apps.

Nova Launcher

Description: Nova Launcher goes beyond just being a customizable app launcher. It includes the option to hide apps from the main drawer, providing a discreet approach to keeping certain apps out of sight. With a wide range of customization features, Nova Launcher offers a refined and unobtrusive experience.

Calculator Vault

Description: Calculator Vault is more than just a calculator; It’s a secret vault for your photos, videos and even apps. Its deceptive calculator interface effectively hides private contents, providing discreet security.

Hide it Pro

Description: Initially designed to hide media, Hide it Pro has evolved to include the ability to hide apps. Its all-in-one approach allows you to not only hide apps but also password-protect access, adding an extra layer of security.

Apex Launcher

Description: Apex Launcher is a highly customizable app launcher that offers the ability to hide apps from the main drawer. With advanced customization features, Apex Launcher allows for a unique and unobtrusive experience.

Vault – Hide Photos/Videos

Description: Vault is a comprehensive application that not only hides photos and videos, but also provides the ability to hide sensitive applications from the home screen. Password protected, Vault is a complete solution for mobile privacy.

Parallel Space

Description: In addition to allowing application duplication, Parallel Space offers a unique functionality of hiding these duplicate instances. This is useful for keeping different accounts or apps out of sight, protecting your privacy.


Description: Slocker disguises itself as a music player, but its real function is to hide password-protected applications. Combining features, it is a discreet option to guarantee the privacy of your applications.

Secure Folder (Samsung)

Description: Built into Samsung devices, Secure Folder is a robust solution for creating a password-protected area for apps, photos and documents. This unique functionality provides an additional layer of security.

Smart AppLock

Description: Smart AppLock goes beyond standard app locking, allowing you to hide apps directly from the home screen. Its intuitive interface and advanced features make it a solid choice for anyone looking for mobile privacy.

These apps provide a variety of options for hiding and securing apps, ensuring a more secure and private experience on mobile devices.

Conclusion: Securing Your Digital Space

In a world where privacy is a priority, it’s essential to explore these innovative ways to hide your apps. By adopting these practices, you can ensure full control over your personal information, keeping it out of the reach of prying eyes. Protect your digital world, ensuring a safe and private experience. 🌐📱🔒

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