Organizing Wardrobe: Professional Tips to Gain Space

Organizing Wardrobe: Professional Tips to Gain Space

Organizing Wardrobe In our everyday life, isn’t it difficult to maintain our closets neat and tidy It’s a catastrophe every time! Most of the time, this issue can be resolved with a few simple changes in mindset.


For this reason, don’t miss our advice on how to keep your wardrobe in perfect order so that your space is always tidy. What are you waiting for?


How to organize wardrobe? the first steps

We know that each wardrobe is different from the other, and that organization will never be the same for everyone. However, here, you can learn how to organize different types to adapt what is best for your day to day. We separate a list of what you need to have on how to start organizing your wardrobe. Check out!

  • Buy standardized coat racks to organize your wardrobe by type of item;
  • Keep everything clean;
  • Take care of your clothes from time to time (moisturize leather jackets, wash them at the correct temperature);
  • Use identification tags on drawers;
  • Protect the most delicate clothes in covers;
  •  Boxes with holes are great for organizing accessories and shoes. 

Check out our 8+ tips on how to organize your wardrobe and keep it spotless

Organizing Wardrobe

1- Organize the clothes, then select the pieces to donate or sell.

They always say to start organizing your wardrobe by getting rid of what you don’t use, right?… Wrong! You will only notice which pieces you really don’t use anymore or that don’t suit you, that are old, or that don’t make sense to be there, when you’re actually organizing everything.

So empty the wardrobe and as you tidy, separate the pieces that you are in doubt whether to continue or not. There will be pieces that you won’t even remember that existed and others that you’ll think because the hell you don’t use it anymore.

The best thing is to organize everything first, so you’ll have a complete view of what you really have stored and that way you’ll realize which pieces you should get rid of, it’s a natural process.

2- Start organizing your wardrobe by the hangers

Organizing wardrobe always starts with the hangers! Separate the different types of hangers: the plastic ones from the wooden ones, the black or transparent ones from the colored ones, you organize these by color, also place all the hooks facing inwards.

In addition to being visually more pleasing, you will see it more easily when looking at your wardrobe. If you can, get by having the same hangers, same color and material – but if not, just organize them.

  • You can put heavier clothes, such as coats, on wooden hangers that are more resistant; in plastic, lighter clothes like t-shirts and blouses. 
  • Do you really need to hang up those jeans? And that cotton t-shirt? When hanging, prioritize clothes that wrinkle. The rest put in drawers or shelves. In addition to being organized, it will save you time when ironing clothes.

3- Organize wardrobe by types and models of clothing

You can group different looks, placing pieces that match each other, close together.  If you wear one type of outfit during the week and another type at the weekend, you can separate it that way too.

4- Organize your wardrobe by color

Another option is to organize wardrobe by color, from the lightest tone to the darkest. If you’re short on space, you can put more than one piece of the same color on the same hanger, so you’ll easily remember where you kept the piece.

You can also separate dark, colored and white clothes. Making it easier to store washed clothes.

5- Fold up the sleeves of shirts and blouses

When hanging shirts and long-sleeved shirts or coats and jackets, fold the sleeves towards the front of the garment. The sleeve that will be at the bottom of the wardrobe or dresser should be on top of the other.

This simple attitude prevents you from tangling coats and blouses when taking them out of the wardrobe and also saves space, compacting the piece.

You can push the coats to the corner to make more space.

6- Organize your wardrobe by seasons

Okay, the weather in Brazil is pretty unpredictable (especially in the Southeast!) but if summer has just started, you won’t wear that super heavy coat, right?

Keep the clothes you are not using, you can use vacuum bags for clothes or TNT bags that, in addition to being cheap, are super easy to make and also allow the garment to “breathe”. Also, it helps a lot to organize wardrobe!

7- Save what you occasionally use

You wear that party dress 2 or 3 times a year but you can’t get rid of it, right? Well then, take it out of sight and keep it very carefully. You can also use a vacuum bag or TNT bags or even organizer boxes or organizer basket. Removing casual clothing will free up space and help you focus on getting dressed.

You can also use the baskets and organizer boxes for shoes or bed, table and bath pieces. This way, organizing your wardrobe is much easier.

8- Organize your wardrobe: Your way!

How is your logic when looking for an outfit? Tailor your organization to your way of thinking. For example, I prefer hangers and shelves to drawers, so I keep the clothes I use the least in drawers and the ones I use the most in hangers.

You may prefer drawers to hangers, or shelves… Anyway, stop and see what is the best way for you. In the absence of a shoe rack, you can also improvise a base to support all your shoes, leaving them in plain sight.

Group the types of clothing and put them in an order that makes sense to you. For example, you can separate the “cold clothes” from the “warm clothes”, the short ones from the long ones, “top clothes” and “underwear” separate, separate light fabrics from heavier ones, group blouses and pants , sleeveless and sleeveless blouses, etc.

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