Organizing Cheap Wedding - 12 Important Tips!

Organizing Cheap Wedding – 12 Important Tips!

We have a lot of contact with wedding planners, couples and, in these comings and goings, we accompany many people who dreamed a lot about every detail of their wedding. Mainly brides.


And it is common for the bride and groom to have little money set aside to organize the ceremony and party. The desire to make the dream come true is so great that many couples are disappointed. And then other problems arise. The embarrassment of not inviting certain people or knowing whether the cheapest suppliers are really competent.


We have put together a series of interesting suggestions that wedding planners give us and also creative solutions that the bride and groom themselves have that are worth sharing, as well as various instructions for brides and grooms to save time when planning their wedding. Organizing a wedding on a budget will require you to look at a few important details before trying to save money on all the ceremony and party items.

1. The time

The more time you have to organize the wedding, the better. The saying “time is money” fits well here, because by planning in advance you can:

  • get better deals with suppliers;
  • choose seats before reservations are full;
  • schedule visits, meetings and;
  • Above all: research calmly.
  • Additionally, to make your own wedding favors or invitations, you will need to set aside time for this.

Organizing a cheap wedding

2. Organizing a Cheap Wedding – The Research

Is the search laborious? Yes! You will spend a lot of time on the internet and you may not be able to find everything there. In this case, you may need to look for recommendations from people you know. Sometimes, neither the internet nor people you know will be able to help you.

Hiring a professional organizer is something we highly recommend: it’s a good value for money!

Either way, research is the best way to find the lowest prices and evaluate the quality of the wedding professional. As a result of good research, in the next steps you will be able to create your wedding budget more quickly.

3. and 4. Planning and organization

Time gives you space to negotiate and research. Organization allows you not to get lost along the way. Always try to create spreadsheets for the event’s task list, budget and guest list.

Oh, it’s important that the lists are up to date. This way, with each change you can compare information and know if the simple wedding organization is up to date.

5. Organizing a cheap wedding – The lean guest list

Previous allies are important in setting the cost of the event. The number of guests is essential. Searching, hustling and haggling can save you 30-35%. Reducing the number of guests will cause the cost of the event to drop proportionally.

I know reducing the guest list is difficult and painful, but it’s essential for a budget-friendly wedding.

6. And how (not) to invite without being embarrassed?

Making the guest list for a simple wedding can generate a lot of stress if the people involved in the wedding (the bride and groom and the bride’s parents) are not right.

The couple must be very honest with themselves and with colleagues and family members who may not be invited to the party.

7. How to Make a Budget-Friendly Wedding Guest List

There are interesting ways to make a cheap wedding registry without stress. Let’s go to them:

  • Avoid making separate lists , as this usually ends up increasing the number of guests;
  • Be very honest with parents , asking them to invite only very close friends to the “low-money wedding”;
  • From the inside out : start with your immediate family (siblings, parents and cousins, uncles with whom you have a lot of contact), your closest friends and then think about your more distant family or your study and work colleagues. 

You’ll find your guest list growing quickly! We also suggest that you list all the people you want to invite and then narrow it down, depending on how close you are to those people. Ah, it always happens that those people you don’t invite end up becoming “stays”.

Organizing a Cheap Wedding – I can’t invite everyone, now what?

Here the main advice is for the couple to be sincere and hope that people understand, because they have to understand.

So don’t feel obligated to invite someone you can’t (or don’t want to). The bride and groom own the party and should be surrounded by those who matter most to them on their wedding day.

8. Pleasing everyone: ways not to do it

The first tip is: don’t try. See you there. You won’t be able to please everyone even if you have a wedding in London and the final blessing is from Queen Elizabeth herself. Simply accept that people are insatiable;

When you think too much about others, you end up forgetting about you, the owner of the party. Your opinion is the most important of all. Do what makes you happy and the rest happens.

9. Organizing Cheap Wedding – Also don’t try to imitate “chic”

We see many brides who are unable to buy a specific dress or hire the best decorator looking for ways to transform what they have, so that it looks chic and refined.

It just doesn’t work: imitation will continue imitation and you will show something you are not. The solution to this is called originality. Make things simple, original and creative, because elegance comes from good taste and not from the value of the invoice.

10. Never spend what you don’t have

We’ve already seen some couples spending what they don’t have to organize their dream party. Many do this to please friends and family, and that’s okay, the event happens…

But even then, guests don’t find everything perfect – there’s always something wrong. At the end of the day, who will start married life full of debt is the couple themselves. This is not worth it because only those involved know how much a wedding costs.

Still about getting married without money, it is interesting to note that in a marriage with little money it is sometimes worth doing things at home. However, in certain cases home remedies are not recommended at all.

11. When is *do it yourself* worth it? And when is it not?

Cost-benefit is comparing what you will have to invest with what you will get as a result. We met a few brides who were multi-talented, with fantastic skills in making their own invitations, decorating or organizing the wedding buffet.

We’ve also seen many that admittedly didn’t “know” how to create things on their own. And there’s no harm in that, they went there and hired someone to do it.

And what do we mean by that?

I mean that in a marriage with little money, you have to evaluate very well what you and the people close to you know how to do and what you don’t know how to do, and then start something.

The first case will certainly generate savings and bring great results on the day of the event. If things don’t work out, you could end up wasting more of your precious time stressing out and ending up with a result you don’t like. It’s such a low cost benefit.

In any case, there are simple and inexpensive wedding supplies where you are less likely to do it yourself without hiring a professional.

12. Do at home what you and those around you know how to do

Wedding invitation: One option is to make a simple model at a printing shop and leave the personalized invitation decoration, such as ribbons or lace bows, up to you. Or even make invitations yourself.

*Wedding cake and sweets*: You can make them at home, or even assemble *cupcakes* and mount them so they rest on the floor. You still have the option of using a fake cake and placing a small cake only on the top “floor” of the cake.

Buffet: Here you can use your creativity more freely. It is possible to have a simple wedding at lunchtime, or in the late afternoon (and serve different meals, like a coffee break). Or, of course… have a nice dinner with people close to you who have great taste and are willing to help, how about that?

Party favors: Very cute and tasty wedding favors are a hit! It’s a memory that probably won’t last long, but that your guests will fall in love with. To make it more special, it’s a good idea to attach a handwritten card thanking your guests for coming.

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