Organization Tips: See How to Keep Your House Always in Order

Organization Tips: See How to Keep Your House Always in Order

Keeping the house always clean and well organized is important for our well-being, in addition to making our routine more practical and functional, but for that it is important to seek several organization tips that can give us new ideas and inspiration to make our home even more pleasant. .


And thinking of you who are looking for home organization tips, we made this post with several ideas to organize your home. Check out!


Home organization tips

Have you noticed that we learn several home organization tips but that often all this organization we do lasts only a few days? Well, that’s because there are no miracles, house cleaning and organization tips should be inserted into our routine and not just used when everything is already “upside down”.

So, when you are thinking about cleaning and organization tips to make your home more pleasant and well organized, remember that this should become a habit, so you will never need to separate a whole weekend to put everything in order.

Therefore, our first house cleaning and organization tip is to insert these habits into your routine that will make your life easier, for example, one of the cleaning and organization tips is to take a few minutes every day to put away that accumulated dishes in the sink, sweep and mop the house, in addition, also remember not to leave clothes, shoes and personal items thrown around the rooms, as one of the cleaning and organization tips is to always keep everything in its proper place.

But to make it easier and help you understand better about cleaning and organization tips, let’s separate them by rooms in the house, okay? So, when you start to put into practice the house organization tips, you will surely be able to develop tasks better and create a routine that will make your life easier.

Organization Tips – kitchen organization tips

Organization Tips

The kitchen is among the main rooms in the house, in addition, the kitchen is also the environment in the house that we have the most things to store, which is why kitchen organization tips are so important.

Separate the food

One of the main kitchen organization tips is to separate all the food you have in the cupboard and fridge and check the expiration date, so what is expired goes to the trash, and organize the rest of the food leaving the which will take longer to win and which will win first make it easier to access.

Organize the closets

The kitchen is known for having several cabinets, so cabinet organization tips are very important for this environment. One of the main closet organization tips is to use organizers such as baskets, boxes with lids and wires that help optimize space inside the closet, as well as keep all items in their proper place.

And if you are thinking of investing in a planned kitchen project, surely one of the best closet organization tips is to make a project thinking about all the items you have in the kitchen, so that the cabinets can be planned with the appropriate divisions. .

Invest in niches, hooks and shelves

In addition to cabinet organization tips, to leave your kitchen not only well organized, but also with a personalized decoration, it is interesting to invest in niches, shelves or hooks that can be used to store items that are used more frequently and also to store appliances that look beautiful in the decoration.

Spice container

Anyone who loves to cook knows that seasonings are responsible for adding flavor to dishes, so investing in a spice rack is essential in kitchen organization tips.

Seasoning holders can be found in several models on the market, from the simplest ones made of plastic, to stainless steel models that have a magnet, so choose one of your preference and take care in organizing this environment.

Dirty washed

For those who want cleaning and kitchen organization tips, it is important to remember that items that were used to prepare a meal should be washed immediately afterwards, as this way you avoid the accumulation of dirty dishes in the sink, the same rule applies to the stove, if after use it got dirty, take the opportunity to clean it and don’t let that heavier dirt accumulate.

Room organization tips

Bedroom organization tips are important, as this environment, in addition to being super intimate, is also our rest space, so it is important that it is always clean and well organized for better use of this space. Then see our bedroom organization tips below.

Avoid accumulating clothes

One of the main reasons the bedroom is always so disorganized is because a lot of people have the habit of buying a lot of clothes before even cleaning the closet, after all, it’s quite common to find several pieces that we haven’t used in the wardrobe for years, no and even?

Therefore, if you want a more pleasant room for your nights sleep, the first thing you need to do is look for wardrobe organization tips. So, for wardrobe organization tips, first it is important to separate all your clothes by categories and start cleaning the pieces that can be donated, then separate the pieces that need to be fixed, and organize the pieces. that you will keep in the closet.

It is also important to note that the wardrobe is free of moths or mildew, as this can damage your clothes, and always remember that one of the most important wardrobe organization tips is to invest in organizers that can be found. in several models on the market, such as the organizing beehive that is great for underwear drawer or smaller pieces, in addition, also use boxes among other items that help you keep the closet in order.

Invest in functional furniture

Functional furniture is not just room organization tips, as they also work super well as house organization tips in general, especially for smaller houses, as functional furniture such as a box bed, trunk puff among others are great, after all they help to decorate and organize, in addition to being functional.

Do not accumulate decorative objects

Decoration objects are important to put more beauty and a touch of personality in the environment, however, it is important to remember to avoid the accumulation of many decoration objects in the room, because, as this environment is usually more compact, one of the main room organization tips is to avoid making it look overloaded, so choose your decorative objects carefully.

Organization Tips – Create habits

In bedroom organization tips, it is also necessary to create habits to keep this environment in order, so as soon as you wake up, make the bed, avoid leaving clothes and shoes lying around and change the bedding at least once a week.

Use shelves and niches

For a small room, shelves and niches are essential elements, because in addition to helping to decorate the environment, these items are also great for organizing elements such as books, records, small collections, among others, but always remembering to avoid a decoration with excess information. .

Room organization tips

The living room is the most social environment in the house, after all, it is in the living room that we receive visitors and we also spend hours watching television with the family or even “played” on the couch reading a book.

 Therefore, in home organization tips, always remember that the elements chosen for the room should help compose the decoration, but also help to keep the environment well organized.

Organization Tips – Use shelves and niches

The room usually has several decorative elements, so shelves and niches are so important, as they help to better use the wall space, in addition to supporting decorative objects, potted plants, books, records, among others.

Respect the size of the environment

One of the most important home organization tips that serves not only the living room, but also the other rooms is to be aware of the size of the space you have, as it is common for many people to buy various furniture and decoration objects leaving the room with an overloaded decor.

Therefore, invest first in what is necessary to transform the living room into a pleasant space, and then carefully choose the other furniture and objects that will compose this environment, always remembering that less is more.

Organize the offal

Small decorative candles, keys, wallets among other elements are common to be “thrown” around the living room, and to keep the look of this environment more beautiful and pleasant it is important to think about organizing these offal, and for that decorative trays are excellent options if used. to decorate a coffee table, for example.

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