How to read more: Infallible tips to overcome laziness!

How to read more: Infallible tips to overcome laziness!

It is not necessary for anyone to tell us, we intuitively know. I read one of the best forms of personal development. Isn’t it curious that at the same time that we knew its importance, many times we are taken by a question that goes against our instincts and we hit ourselves thinking: “Pox life, would you like to know how to read more”?


The truth is that we are human beings and we are used to our routines. A reading needs to change a habit for us before we manage to overcome our preguiça. The context of how habits influence our decision-making and how we can circumvent this mechanism is uncritically treated in the book Power of Habit.


In book or author is on the premise of revealing how costumes are formed in people and how they end up positively and negatively influencing our lives. Understanding this can be a determining factor if you wanted one day to change an aspect of your life.

The author explores the concept of angular habits, or seja, habits that end up influencing other areas. That is why some activities unrelated to reading can help you learn more – for example, meditation and sports.

In addition to some habits that will help you to have more concentration, we will also list some small attitudes that will help you understand how to read more books.

How to read more – I read 10 minutes 

Before you start doing all the tiring activities of your day, you should spend some time for yourself. Everyone needs to find time for or personal development so that they can achieve ambitious goals in their life.

Naturally, it becomes more difficult after a stressful day of study or work. Also, we accept the logic that you should do your development activities before starting your daily duties.

How to read more

Having as a routine 10 minutes a day will help you in the concentration and to discover new perspectives (presented in the book). It may not seem like much, but with 10 minutes of reading per day (a period of time you will not be able to read about 10 pages) you will be able to finish a 200-page book in about a month. With certainty, it is a very simple way that will help you in your quest to read more books.

With reading, you acquire new knowledge on practically any topic you want. The self-help books are a great example, since most of the people observe in themselves points to improve, and, for that matter, these books are a great success. 

Practice regular physical activities

As cited in our text introduction, physical activities are angular habits. This is the type of practice that will help you in all areas of your life: you do not need to think of physical activity just as a method to make your body more beautiful, but simply as something that will help you in the development of people , tracing more health , more concentration, more disposition, will help you in the question of having a perspective that great results only come with time, among many other benefits.

It is common for people who begin to develop an angular habit to obtain benefits in various areas, for example, such as reading more books.

Maybe you have fallen from parachute in my blog and I don’t know my personal history, because I can testify that it is true. After starting my routines of physical activity and losing more than 25 kg over two years of dietary reeducation and physical training, I was able to perceive great improvement in various other areas: no relationship, no work, my disposition. All better.

The fact that you put yourself on trial every day and have to fight against your own fault, also something that gradually increases your confidence and your willingness to face fears and prove that everything is possible. It’s a kind of positive spiral that helps you climb a gradient every day.

Read on your commute to work or school

It is said here that it is easier to be carried out. Do you know that time that you do not do anything sitting (or sitting) on the subway / bus looking at the Instagram of your digital influencer that you do not know why I follow?

Yes, taking advantage of your commuting time to work and school will be a great help if you don’t have a reading habit. It begins to wander Read barely left for her engagement. On the way back you keep looking at Instagram. Thus, you do not radically change and a few years you will acquire a new good habit.

How to read more – Buy a digital book reader

For those who are not familiar, there are currently several books available in ebook format, a totally digital book. These books, because they do not require printing, are generally marketed at values that are lower than a physical book.

When you buy a book in digital format, you don’t use a tablet, computer, or cell phone or buy a digital book reader. This is a device similar to a tablet, but whose light resembles the page of a book. It is an incredible technology that makes the letters on the page seem to be written in ink on the device’s fabric, since you will need external light to power this fabric.

Write reviews about the books and publish them on the internet

Do you know that opportunity that you felt to share everything you learned from reading a book? Feel free to share. There are thousands of people on the internet wanting to know your particular view of a certain book. Além disso, it will be a great opportunity for you to recapitulate everything you learned.

You can share your reviews in various ways, but let’s go to the main ones:

  • Share the review on your social networks
  • Send your review to us, because we have spaces open to invited authors.
  • Create a video on Youtube with a book review
  • Publish a review of the book on the page of the site that you bought (if you wanted to or end the purchase page of a book in your favorite online bookstore, for example, you will see what dozens of people do).
  • Use forums or book evaluation platforms, such as Skoob.

How to read more – Listen Audiobooks

It says here is special for those who will say 3 of how to read more books because we won’t use public transportation. If you go from car to work, it’s easier to consume more books and get them as soon as you manage. In this stuck, companies like Ubook e Tocalivros are bombing Brazil with their audiobook sales options.

Turn off TV and cell phone and concentrate on yourself for a few minutes

This is another technique that can be considered as an angular habit. A meditation is an act that will help you in concentration. Therefore, turn off TV and cell phone and concentrate on yourself for a few minutes.

In the same way that it happens that you are reading and perceive that you do not pay attention to anything in the last paragraph, in meditation you will try not to think about anything, you will try to relax and realize that you cannot do it. These two things are symptoms of the same problem: their difficulty in concentrating.

More to the mind than to a muscle, you need to exercise it so that it delivers or what you want. In the first few weeks, meditate how much difficult tasks will be for you, but little by little you will achieve and when you receive less, you will more work as it was before.

How to read more – We must sit on the couch or in a comfortable place

I didn’t read in a deitated position, it’s going to give you sleep. It may seem obvious, but many people who come to tempt him to want to do it in bed a little before going to sleep, when we have picked our teeth and have been in our pajamas after a long and tiring day. Isso not going to give certain.

Although you will have to fight against or get tired to stay agreed (or agreed), you will be in an environment that is not favorable to your concentration for reading.

When you call for reading, do so in a time that allows your concentration, and stay with a comfortable hip, a pleasant light. Preferably, if that could be or your place of the house where you are, it is better still.

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