Financial organization: Tips to maintain a balanced life

Financial organization: Tips to maintain a balanced life

Financial organization is More than just keeping your accounts up-to-date is required for financial management.Your personal finances may be effectively managed by keeping a tight check on your income and expenditure. A person’s connection with money may have a negative impact on their health and relationships if it extends beyond the monetary world.


In addition to being able to put money toward the things that matter most in life, having a well-organized financial life also allows you to provide a secure future for yourself and people you care about while also allowing you to live a more fulfilling living.


There are some proven methods for managing your money so that it doesn’t take over your life and become a source of stress. Things to keep in mind while setting financial objectives include paying off your debts, developing an emergency fund, and setting spending boundaries.The next paragraphs will guide you in the right direction!

Financial organization: Tips to maintain a balanced life

There is a lot more to financial organization than simply keeping your accounts current.

Knowing where your money is going and how much you earn and spend is an important part of managing your personal finances.

The significance of this awareness is that the individual’s relationship with money frequently extends beyond the monetary realm, causing serious harm to their health and relationships.

Investing in what matters most, ensuring your family’s financial security, and living a richer, more harmonious life are just a few of the advantages of having your financial affairs in order come retirement.

There are some effective practices to keep your finances on track and prevent money from becoming a disease in your life. They include things like spending less than you earn, paying off debt, having an emergency fund, setting your financial goals, and setting spending goals.

Do you want to see in detail how to maintain a balanced life with the financial organization up to date? The lines below will show you the way!

Financial lack of control is not directly linked to the individual’s salary level, but to his inability to react to the overwhelming social pressure for unbridled consumption.

In a society that prioritizes the relevance of each citizen according to their possessions, indebtedness is much more linked to cultural and psychological issues than merely financial ones.

In this spiral of consuming desperately to be recognized in their social environment, buying products/services they do not need and getting used to the hedonistic logic of “immediate pleasure, later burden”, it is natural to develop diseases due to financial lack of control. And the possibilities of psychosomatic imbalance are numerous.

In an unprecedented survey on the subject, carried out by SPC Brasil, 65.6% of respondents said they had developed depression due to lack of financial organization; 61.8% cite triggering an unchanging state of anguish, in addition to anxiety (59.8%), low self-esteem (57.8%), chronic stress (57.8%), as well as guilt (46%) and shame before family and friends (43.9%).

According to health professionals, in times of crisis, the number of new patients in psychiatric offices across Brazil multiplies exponentially.

I could too. The act of consumption releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline — chemicals that flood the brain system with pleasure and are related to the feeling of reward and well-being.

The problem is that this nervous impulse of self-esteem, motivation and fulfillment is short-lived.

The purchase that is not financially sustainable does not take long to make the consumer aware that the impetus of the previous minute will imply the deprivation “out of sight” of this liberating state of pleasure. This is due to the indefinite imprisonment to the plots.

The uncontrollable need for a new release of these neurotransmitters then stimulates the recurrence of impulse buying (albeit without money).

This, in turn, repeats itself over and over again, generating a vicious circle of “pleasure – mourning” … and an increasingly destroyed bank account.

It is from this environment of chaos in terms of financial organization that what is called oniomania (Compulsive Shopping Disorder – CBT) is born.

You can’t cross the world without taking the first step

Giving in to consumer impulses is difficult. Not wanting to be away from friends at that club where everyone has already confirmed their presence; to finish off that outfit that seems to have been made for you (even without having planned the acquisition before letting yourself be seduced by the window); not having the patience to save money before changing cars — anyone, occasionally, can get overwhelmed by unscheduled expenses.

The problem is that resisting impulse buying the first time is easier than the second. Standing firm in front of the gondola the fourth time is more complicated than the third.

In other words, our brain reward system has a key to common sense, a kind of “valve of rationality” that becomes increasingly slack with each defeat in front of the window.

However, giving in once will likely ease the way for the exception to become the rule. And then, quickly, the individual falls ill, unable to control his own acts of consumption and guarantee the minimum of financial organization.

Despite having emotional and psychological consequences (which can lead to serious concrete pathological manifestations), the start for compulsive disorder, as well as for the cure of oniomania, is to condition your brain to balance itself in the face of temptation for a single time.

It is the inverted reaction mentioned above, in which the first step facilitates the second, which makes the third simpler, which leads to emotional rebalancing in the relationship with money. For this, changing habits is essential. But how to turn to the financial organization?

Market Temptations, You and Your Money: Equalizing Relationships

Financial organization

Sun Tzu, Chinese general and philosopher (544 BC – 496 BC) teaches, in The Art of War, that to defeat an enemy, you must know him as well as you know yourself.

And here we have two main points: who are you, and what instruments are used by the market to take you off the rails.

In this second point, it is necessary to be aware that, currently, sensory marketing strategies, widely used in retail, seek to stimulate your five senses to make you surrender body and soul to an unexpected purchase.

More than just a sale, the market will always try to convey to you that by delivering an exclusive experience (“the manager has gone crazy”, “only today, 50% off”): the goal is to awaken your sense of urgency.

Out of curiosity, try to resist for just one day, returning to the site the next day. Chances are you’ll find the same product, sold for the same price. Nothing is so urgent that it cannot wait.

The advertising market is also abundant in triggering mental (unconscious) triggers for purchase: research shows, for example, that 93% of consumers are impacted by the visual aspect of a product.

Likewise, the use of aromas that refer to good sensations increases the customer’s stay time by 15.9%, increasing the possibility of purchase by 14.8%. Conclusion: don’t — ever — go into any store without having previously planned to buy something.

In addition to knowledge and caution against the marketing strategies of the market, another point for the development of the financial organization lies in yourself. And, in fact, this is the most relevant variable.

Financial practices recommended by experts include systematizing your income and expenses in a spreadsheet, getting your brain used to the fact that purchases are always preceded by price research, and conditioned to the logic of “save first, buy later” (which means no more financing). ).

In addition, they ask you to adjust your standard of living below your income (if you earn BRL 5,000, you can only spend 70%, that is, BRL 3,500).

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