Event organization – 7 tips!

Event organization – 7 tips!

Event organization is a fundamental strategy for companies that want to have good results at the end of the month. Check out the tips in this post!


We all already know that the event is an excellent tool to promote products and services, gain brand recognition, acquire knowledge, analyze competitors and network. Carrying out an event organization is not an easy task, there are great challenges to be overcome between all stages of planning to execution.


There are several details that need to be thought of, mainly, the way you will relate to your audience at that moment. This is an extremely important step to generate visibility and let other people know about your existence.

But we need to keep in mind that the more planned and organized the event, the less chance of unforeseen events or problems in the processes.

Regardless of the type of event, be it a market fair, corporate events, lectures, seminars, workshops, etc., it is essential that it meets the profile of the target audience and meets the expectations of those who are present.

Now that we know the importance of organizing an event, let’s go through the tips we’ve separated to help you put it into practice.

Event organization – Unmissable tips

Event organization

Planning is key

As important as choosing the theme of the event, is choosing the date, time and place. Organizing events during the week, for example, are more suitable for certain segments or to reach certain niches.

For events that you want to reach large audiences, consider holding them on weekends. In order not to make a mistake when organizing a successful event, first, open the calendar of events for the year and see what the best opportunities are.

Also research if in the region there will not be other events on the same day and that can somehow involve your public of interest. It is good to keep in mind that an event held in advance can make all the difference.

Always try to have a comfortable deadline, in addition to having more time to make decisions, it will be possible to increase the time of disclosure and even get better prices and payment terms when contracting the necessary services.

Set a budget

One of the main steps in organizing an event is setting a budget.

Before thinking about the details, you need to know how much you can spend. The available budget will define the choice of space, buffet and decoration.

Talk to the person responsible for hiring your service, about what you should have at the business event and what budget is available. Know that you can’t do much with little money, and if you have good budgets, suggest items that are interesting.

Negotiate the best conditions with your trusted suppliers, seek discounts on payments with smaller installments and in cash. Keep in mind that keeping an event within budget is one of the best performance indicators.

To help with the budget, it is recommended to seek sponsorships. In addition to relieving expenses, it is a great opportunity to start partnerships.

Event organization – Build a schedule

One strategy that helps any event organizer succeed is to develop a complete schedule. The ideal schedule starts long before the day of the event, it should also go one or more days later.

It is critical to plan and organize everything so that all variables are covered in your schedule. Are they:

  • When should suppliers be hired?
  • When will payments be made?
  • Will invitations be sent in advance? 

Event organization – Have suppliers

When starting to quote suppliers for your event, ask for at least two options, for example, for leasing a space, see how much it costs on your preferred day and also on a day a week.

That way, you will have the flexibility to negotiate values, get better prices for the buffet service, rent tables and chairs, among others.

A great tip is to consult professionals in the area and have a checklist of companies that work with what you need.

Advertise your event

After you have studied and understood your target audience, it is worth promoting your event well.

Start by looking for which types of media reach your audience: which TV channels does it watch? Does he access the internet? Does he listen to the radio? Can handing out flyers on the street reach this audience segment? There are numerous questions to ask to define the ideal media plan to publicize your event.

It is essential to work with professionals in the areas of communication and marketing, as they know the best strategies and tools for dissemination.

From this, your audience will know that your company exists and, consequently, of your event organization.

Another tip that can bring great benefits to your event is to know and use automation tools, with them it is possible to replace much of the manual work and still have more control of your event.

Understanding these tools makes the steps more agile and saves financial resources.

Have a skilled team

It is impossible to successfully organize an event alone, it is essential that the producer assemble a team with competent, committed professionals with similar goals.

He needs to be surrounded by people he can trust with important tasks. A complete team is essential so that the time is better used and so that, in this way, it is possible to organize and execute a great event.

However, the producer must always be supervising, helping and managing the various work fronts, monitoring the processes and keeping a view of everything that is pending.

These are the main tips on how to organize a successful event. Every detail requires care and, relying on a plan, is the best way to go.

Use quality printed materials

Printed materials are essential not only to promote your brand, but also to convey credibility to those people who pass by your booth. Therefore, we have listed some of these materials that will do this role perfectly. Are they:

  • folder;
  • flyer;
  • Catalog;
  • Business Card;
  • Poster;
  • banner;
  • Gifts;
  • Among others. 

And there? What did you think of our tips in today’s article? Leave your comment below, describing the things you are currently doing when organizing your company events.

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