Cleaning Schedule: Tips for Keeping the House Clean and Organized

Cleaning Schedule: Tips for Keeping the House Clean and Organized

Establishing a cleaning schedule is essential to keep the house organized and fragrant. After all, there’s nothing better than coming home after a hard day at work and finding the environment tidy to recharge, don’t you think?


And to help you in this mission, today we are going to teach you a practical and simple home cleaning schedule. Check out the tips and start getting organized!


Benefits of having a home cleaning schedule

Making a home cleaning schedule brings several benefits to your routine. Instead of spending the whole week stressed out by the clutter, you can do one activity a day and thus keep the house clean and organized. There is much more time to recharge after work, for example.

Cleaning Schedule

Check out more benefits:

  • Avoid the accumulation of dirt; 
  • Keep the house clean and organized; 
  • Have the weekend free to rest and go out without worrying about cleaning the house. 
  • Avoid procrastination; 
  • Better division of household tasks (each person has their responsibilities to fulfill in the week). 

How to make a house cleaning schedule

We put together a step-by-step guide with 5 tips on how to make a house cleaning schedule that is suitable for your routine. Check out!

  1. Make a to-do list

List everything that needs to be done in your home during the week and indicate the time needed to complete each one.

  1. Set the frequency

Now you need to define the frequency of each task: that is, how many times a week do you need to perform it? Is it possible to do it once a month? Every 15 days? Write all this down to make it easier when making your house cleaning schedule.

  1. Invest in cleaning tools and materials

Do you have the cleaning supplies you need to follow the weekly and monthly cleaning schedule template?

Organize everything you need and buy items that make your routine easier, like a robot-type vacuum cleaner, which is great for your cleaning schedule for those who work outside the home, and multipurpose products.

  1. Divide the tasks

Share the day’s tasks with the people who live with you, so you can organize your routine equally.

  1. Paste the schedule on the fridge

Once you’ve put together your weekly cleaning schedule and monthly cleaning schedule, put it out there. The fridge is a great place to put it.

Leave a space in the schedule for you to write down what was done for the day. That way, if you don’t have time to do a task in the day, you’ll know you need to do it the next day so you don’t accumulate activities. It’s easier to organize.

Difference between cleaning, cleaning and maintenance

Did you know that there is a big difference between these terms? Before starting your cleaning schedule for those who work outside the home, you need to understand this topic:


Cleaning is divided into three types:

  1. General cleaning: everyday cleaning, such as dusting, washing dishes, mopping the floor;
  2. Light cleaning: anything that needs to be cleaned with more abrasive products is known as light cleaning;
  3. Heavy cleaning: this is done in environments that need to be sterilized – or when the house is very dirty and needs stronger products to stay clean.

Usually do the general cleaning and take it home.


Cleaning requires more physical effort than cleaning. It’s a complete service: cleaning the house’s windows, doors, walls, scrubbing the floor, removing stainless steel stains… everything that requires more effort can be considered cleaning.

Cleaning is usually part of the monthly cleaning schedule. It is not necessary to do it every week.


The purpose of maintenance is to facilitate cleaning through organization. It’s the famous “don’t procrastinate”. If you soil a dish, wash it. Dirty the floor? Take a cloth and clean. Don’t leave anything for later. This makes it much easier to maintain cleanliness.

House organization is also part of house maintenance. Always take a few minutes out of your day to organize the environment.

Daily cleaning schedule template

Yes, there are things that are part of the maintenance of the house that you need to do every day, such as:

  • Make the bed;
  •  Wash the dishes; 
  • Store the clothes and separate the dirty clothes; 
  • Organize the scattered things;
  •  Sweep or vacuum the house; 
  • Clean the stove; 
  • Keep the bathroom clean until cleaning day;
  •  Remove the garbage from the kitchen and bathroom.

Weekly cleaning schedule template

In the weekly cleaning schedule, separate the most complex tasks over the days, such as:

  • Change bathroom towels; 
  • Change bedding;
  •  Dust the furniture; 
  • Wash the bathroom; 
  • Put clothes to wash;
  •  Iron and store clothes;
  •  Sweep the house and iron; 
  • Cleaning household appliances, such as stove and microwave; 
  • Cleaning mirrors.

You can dedicate one day a week to cleaning each room. In the second, the bathroom. Tuesday, the fourth. Fourth, the closet. Fifth, the living room. Make the cleaning schedule for those who work outside the home that is more practical for your routine.

Monthly cleaning schedule template

The monthly cleaning schedule consists of the heavy cleaning. You can leave to do everything in one day of cleaning or leave one day of the week to perform them. Write down our task suggestions:

  • Organize the wardrobe, closet and dressers;
  • Clean the switches, walls and ceilings of the house;
  • Turn the mattresses;
  • Clean the washing machine;
  • Clean the fridge;
  • Clean windows. Did you write down all the tips? Then tell us how your house turned out.

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