Apps to Measure Blood Pressure - See the STEP by STEP

Apps to Measure Blood Pressure – See the STEP by STEP

The cell phone nowadays is one of the easiest tools we have in the world, with that, applications have emerged that make anyone’s life easier and faster, and today we will recommend applications to measure blood pressure.


The app is helping many people who suffer from some form of blood pressure problem. With it installed on your cell phone, you can measure your pressure without having to leave your home, quickly and free of charge.


The application monitors blood pressure through the data provided, it will perform an analysis and provide important information about the state of your blood pressure, so if you are interested in measuring your pressure easily, in this post we will indicate you an excellent application.

STEP by STEP – Apps to Measure Blood Pressure

To install the Blood Pressure Monitor application, just follow these steps:

STEP 1 – Open the Google Play Store

STEP 2 – Press the “Install” button

STEP 3 – Wait for the download to complete

STEP 4 – Open the application by clicking on the “Open” button that will appear

STEP 5 – Okay, from now on you can start monitoring your blood pressure

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is the increase in blood pressure when circulating through the arteries of the body. Also known as “high blood pressure”, hypertension is a silent disease that, according to data from the Brazilian Society of Hypertension (SBH), is part of the lives of 33% of Brazilians.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

  • headache
  • blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • chest pains
  • shortness of breath
  • ringing in the ear

Due to the symptoms, it is very important to constantly monitor your blood pressure if you have any of these symptoms.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, what is it?

Firstly, it is important to know that blood pressure has 2 measurements. Thus, they occur when the heart contracts and when it relaxes.

Thus, systolic pressure occurs when the heart is in contraction, this has the highest value.

On the other hand, diastolic pressure occurs when it is relaxing, it is the lowest value.

What is the ideal pressure value?

First of all, it is important to know that it is not possible to specify exactly when the ideal blood pressure value is for you. That’s because, each case is different, and the ideal thing is for the doctor to follow you closely.

In general, the ideal blood pressure values are as follows:

  • Systolic: 12
  • Diastolic: 9

However, it is important to remember that this data is information only.

After all, to really know how your health is going, the ideal is that you seek medical help. That’s because there’s nothing better than a doctor to advise on any treatments that may be necessary.

But why is a smartphone app needed to monitor my blood pressure?

If you’ve never had any of the symptoms of high blood pressure, and there’s no case of hypertension in your family either, you might be thinking that you don’t need to install such an app.

It would be much more interesting to install an application aimed at fun and leisure, applications to listen to music, watch movies, play games or even exercise, wouldn’t it?

However, 33% of the people are hypertensive and often do not know it. So, even if you haven’t developed any of the symptoms of hypertension, it’s always recommended to be aware of your blood pressure.

3 Best Apps to Measure Blood Pressure

BP Monitor

Blood pressure

Also, popularly searched for is the BP Monitor, available only to iPhone (iOS) operating system users for free. It contains an infinite variety of tools so that the person has to complete the monitoring of their blood pressure.

With it, the person, in addition to registering the measures, is transformed into graphs, being better for the visualization of the values.

After downloading and installing the application on your cell phone, you can monitor your blood pressure daily using statistics and important information provided by the application after entering some data that it will request.

The application is ideal for all people who already need to monitor their blood pressure, as well as for those who want to know more about their health status.

Samsung Health Monitor

it is important to know that the measurement is made by a watch.

In this sense, the Samsung Health Monitor application works with the brand’s watches, they are:

The Galaxy Watch 2 and the Galaxy Watch 3

In this way, the watch measures the pressure and the cell phone displays the data.

This application has a very interesting function:

Thus, whenever it detects a pressure value outside the average, the contacts saved in the device will be immediately notified. However, it is worth noting that it only works on devices, Samsung.

Download and install: Android


This app connects to Android mobile as well as iPhone.

However, the operation is simple and just install the application on the cell phone.

It is worth remembering that when connecting one of the above meters, the data is displayed. In addition, the measurements are displayed in the form of a graph, in this way, this application allows you to save the monitoring.

This is because it is possible to export in a spreadsheet, if you wish.

Download and installation: Android

Download and installation: iOS (iPhone)

Did you see how simple it is to keep your health up to date with apps that measure blood pressure?

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