Apps for Organization: Check out the best options!

Apps for Organization: Check out the best options!

Keeping organized in all areas of life is not easy. The tasks are many, home, work, children, social life, health, studies, among others. For this there are the most varied means with which we can organize ourselves.


In addition to paper and pen, we can use the numerous applications and websites for this. So today, we brought you 6 tips for organizing apps for you to test and, in fact, get organized better.


The organization is also made of mistakes and successes, but the most important thing is to START. After that, have CONSTANCE so that you can have an organized life and enjoy everything it can offer you.

Apps for Organization – Google Calendar: organize your month

Google Calendar is a free and very amazing calendar and calendar service. In it you can create and schedule events, appointments, tasks and goals, for example.

Aplicativos para organização

When adding an event, for example, you can set time, add people, location, reminder and notification, if it is an online event, you can add the video conference link, especially when done by Hangouts Meet itself, in addition to description and attachments.

Also, you can add quick reminders and also create goals. In the goals functionality, Google Calendar itself offers goals and habits tips for you to add to your agenda.

Anyway, Google Calendar has several features and the best thing is that you can share it with whoever you want, and of course sync with all your Google accounts. In addition to the app, you can also use it on your computer.

Apps for Organization – Trello: the most famous boards for organization

Trello is an application widely used by companies and for those who work with various projects. It is not such a simple application, but it is very complete and different from what we are used to using. In it you can manage your activities through boards. Normally, the organization of these boards is up to you to choose and adapt to what you seek to organize.

Apps for Organization

Within the boards and cards you can add images, links, set colors, add other people, etc. It is an application that you can organize your goals until your own company, for example.

At first it may seem too complex, but when you adapt and understand its features, it becomes a great application that will definitely help you with your organization.

Ah, a tip: Trello has a blog with lots of tips and board templates ready for you to use. It has for personal organization, goals, marketing, sales flow, travel, management, among others. Incredible!

TickTick: To-do list for your organization

This app is very intuitive. TickTick is a task manager, easy, practical and complete. In it you can create folders with central themes and inside add specific tasks, set schedules and attach images, documents, location and of course, it allows sharing with other people.

Apps for Organization

The coolest thing about this application is that you can add the importance of each task, it goes from high rating to none, that is, you can set priorities for your day, something essential for the organization.

Evernote: your study notebooks

Evernote is an application that serves as a bank of notes for everything you want. From basic organization notes to using it as your study notebook. With it you can catalog information, save articles, photos, audios and pdfs, digitize and save all this in one place.

Apps for Organization

Therefore, from the basics of lists to documents and saved texts, the application also allows sharing with other people, in addition to synchronizing with different devices.

Forest: plant a tree and keep your focus

Forest is a curious app. The way it was created to help keep the focus on tasks is very cool. With the slogan Stay focused, be present (“Stay focused, be present”, in a free translation) is precisely an application that will help you focus on your tasks and thus be more productive.


Therefore, the application works as a social game, which will keep you away from your cell phone. In it you determine how long you will not use your cell phone, with that it starts a countdown and at the end, if you finish the time, that is, if you don’t touch your cell phone, you will have planted a tree, in addition to other rewards. AMAZING right!?

Then you will ask me, but is it a real tree? Yes, trees are not planted every time you start counting, but when the user spends the virtual coins. The company has partnerships with NGOs to carry out this project.

Apps for Organization – Mini habits: yes, they help you with organization

Having habits undoubtedly keeps us organized. And for that the Mini Habits app is great for that. Therefore, the application is very intuitive, when entering, just follow the instructions to start creating your habits.

Apps for Organization

In it you can create a routine with exercises, reading, studies, gratitude, and whatever you want to implement in your daily life. The proposal is to really create small habits, start little by little, but be consistent, which is one of the main points of the organization.

Apps for Organization – Conclusion

Apps are tools that will help you organize any area of your life. Don’t be afraid or lazy to try several and see which ones work, or not for you. Remember that organization is personal and necessary for quality of life.

NOTE: All apps are available on Google Play and are free.

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